Friday, July 25, 2008



  1. Wow! That is just incredible! besides your technical abilities, you have a soaring spirit.
    This just made my day. I loved it.

  2. I love your work! I am the Communications Coordinator for the Federation of Canadian Artists.

    I am a gardener myself and stumbled upon your blog one day. I truly enjoy it! Thank you!

  3. That is a truly gorgeous picture. Does it say anything bad about me that I love weasels? That one seems to be flying like a Super Weasel. Therefore, obviously, I love it!

  4. Philip - Thank you. There is nothing I would rather hear than that I have improved someone's day. Sometimes my spirit doesn't soar (especially in the rainy winters around here) but this summer I feel like I am flying over life's troubles quite often. Having sweet peas and sunshine helps.
    Laura - How nice of you to drop by. I wonder where you are in Canada...I miss the Maritimes and haven't even been up to see my family in Vancouver yet this summer. I will look at the web site you suggested.
    Steve - Yes weasels have the super-power to cheer us up and help us to soar above life's complexities. Especially striped weasels.

  5. Oh Laura I am silly. I know your gallery on Granville Island and have been there many times. My father, Ray Bradbury, is a member. I recommend that folks check it out. It is a wonderful space.
