Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Moving Outside

Henry and I took advantage of the sunshine today to move the painted panels outside into the alley allowing us to see them together. (One was left inside as it wasn't painted yet.) Once we had blocked the alley with the panels we ran up to the studio roof deck to look down on them. This meant that I could see if the angles and placement of the branches matched where they crossed from panel to panel.

I had never seen the panels all together before and it was a shock to see how big this thing is. I am trying not to be freaked out by it.

I took notes and photos and moved them all back inside again.

1 comment:

  1. It's huge!! and I love it, even though it isn't gold-leafed yet. The trunk looks wonderful, so gnarled and groaning with age.

    Look forward to a glimpse of the finished piece; its beautiful.

