The second important thing that I learned was that heathers, that old garden stand-by available at Home Depot, are not heathers at all but "heaths". This is of concern to me as I feel it should have been part of my Scottish heritage to know this. The true heathers that cover the Scottish highlands are "Calluna vulgaris" and the shopping mall parking lot heaths are "Ericas". Callunas have scale-like leaves while Ericas have more of a needle. Or as the nice guy from Heaths and Heathers in Shelton told me "Heather = feather. Heath = teeth" I feel much more Scottish now! This is Calluna "Silver Knight"

The third thing I learned at the garden show was that spending too many hours in the dark and cavernous belly of the Trade and Convention Center leaves me feeling like this. Maybe the show will be reincarnated at an outdoor space some time in the future.
(Moss head photo by Dutch artist Levi van Veluw)