Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

These violas were grown from seed given to me on Mother's Day last year by my children and their dad. They are sweet and make me happy - both the violas and the people. I am lucky indeed.
I am thinking of my own mother with whom I will spend the day tomorrow, and my sister who is a wonderful mother to her young boys. And I am thinking of my dear friend's mother whom I just visited who is having a very sad time. So much love and emotion associated with mothers...

1 comment:

  1. I wonder why you celebrate Mother's Day at a different time of year to us in Europe?

    Beautiful Violas though, I love the mauve and bronze combination.

    I hope you had a Happy Mother's Day too.

    You asked a couple of weeks ago about the artist of an image on my blog. I had found it unnamed and unattributed on a 'Stumble Upon' page, but have done some research as I felt bad that it was an unnamed/unattributed image on my blog. I have tracked it down to a Graphic Artist called Pawel Joñca in Poland, and the Image is called 'The Seed' . They have a website here : where you can see their portfolio.

    Hope that helps!

