After a week of snow and ice we got...even more snow! I spent the day outside with the kids and the camera. One of the best and prettiest days I can think of...ever! This is the sidewalk beside my house.

We haven't lost many branches but this magnolia couldn't stand up to the weight of the snow. Cross country skiers have been enjoying the snowy roads. It feels like someone has cast a spell and banished cars, leaving the streets to people with their skis and sleds. I saw one intrepid jogger wearing snow shoes.

My house in the snow looking toward the Sound.

I guess I should have brought the furniture in from the studio roof deck.

The beautiful Queen Anne walkway, designed with Moorish inspired arches.

Henry and I prepare to race down a snowy street on our cookie sheets. Fast Fast Fast! It was great.

Isobel takes the cookie sheet down the Counterbalance, the main street on the hill. Dozens of people slid down the hill on snow boards, skis, laundry baskets, garbage bags and inflatable pool toys. Even a green vinyl couch cushion picked up some speed.

Henry spent the day eating slabs of ice that had crusted on the top of the powder. His new blue hair looks wonderful against the snowy branches.

My New Zealand Flax looks very funny.

Swirling grasses make a cave in the snow.

This geranium survived the winter last year. I don't think it will be so lucky this year.

More beauty berries! I love them.

Does Dolly Parton live here?

Even Santa (who live across the street) is snowed in. Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas everyone!