Monday, February 9, 2009

Bloggers Meet Up

Hello to my fellow Seattle garden bloggers who I met at our recent gathering. It was so much fun to meet the real people behind the blogs. Thanks to Karen at Greenwalks for organizing. Everyone is welcome to join us next time, Sunday 22 March.

Read all about it at Karen's blog and Melanthia's blog.

See you all next time!


  1. It was so fun to meet everyone. And nice to know we're practically neighbors! Shoot me an email if you're up for coffee or something. Enjoy today's sun (despite our morning snow).

  2. Hi Jean - Thanks again for coming on Saturday, and for the link! I'm so excited that people were into it and that it's going to continue. What a fascinating group of humans! Did you and Daniel know each other before? I'm jealous that he has one of your paintings! :)

  3. So nice to see the swans . I've been trying to photograph the ones that visit the valley every winter. But they seem to move a lot, when ever I return to where they were the day before they're gone. So I'm just enjoying seeing them when I do. They are so totemic. It was great to see you Jean. Keep up the good work and thanks for the swan link.
