Imagine that you are the size of a mouse and you find yourself looking at the magnolia blossom. Wouldn't it fill you with awe? Do we feel the same thing when we see a magnolia blossom...or a whole tree with hundreds of them?
This painting is 6"x8" so the mouse and blossom are life sized.

I have also finished this painting which I started a few weeks ago. I am calling it "Renaissance" since all the plants erupting from the ground are bulbs being reborn. It is a bit disturbing, as change always is.

This gorgeous thing is a lily bulb. Last year I forgot where I planted it and stepped on it, preventing it from looking this wonderful or from flowering later in the summer. I don't care if it flowers this year. It has already made me happy.

My original posts about this painting are
hereThe lyrics of a Dar Williams song 'Spring Street' remind me of this painting.
I'll push myself up through the dirt
And shake my petals free
I'm resolved to being born
And so resigned to bravery