Friday, January 21, 2011

Absinthe Dreams

I have finished my mural surrounding the projection screen at Cancan night club. I wish these pictures could convey the size. I didn't measure and am poor at guessing. I suppose it is about fifteen feet high. The plants are wormwood and anise.

Are these animals the visions of someone drinking absinthe? Emile Zola said that everything is a dream. (Tout n'est qu'un rĂªve)

I painted a quotation from Zola along the bottom of the screen "Je n'ai guere de soucis de beaute ni de perfection... Je n'ai souci que de vie, de lutte, de fievre. (I am little concerned with beauty or perfection. All I care about is life, struggle, intensity.) No wonder he needed a drink!


  1. Love the details and creative design! I read about Absinthe during our trip to Prague last fall but didn't try it! Enough crazy critters in my head already.

  2. Hi Jean, I would love to get to contact with you but lost your email address.. can you email me on firstname at lastname dot se? (I've hear about these things that vacuum email addresses and want to be a bit careful...)

  3. I Love that mural, it is so cool to have stumbled across the artist!! I am a huge fan of the Can Can them! Am also loving your blog and your art, so happy to have come across you on Blotanical!
