Here is a sketch and painting of hydrangea leaves. It is the same plant that I painted a couple of weeks ago and the leaves have grown, even though it has been sitting in a cup of water with no roots. I have become fond of the soft fuzzy leaves and wanted to paint them. I also wanted to try my new egg tempera skills so I got out my ochre and lamp black and gave it a try. First of all I made a very funny mess trying to pierce and discard the skin of the egg yoke. When I saw Olga do it during my workshop she didn't end up with yoke smeared all over her hands and dripping onto the floor like I did. At least the cats enjoyed that part. Then the painting....Grrrr. It is horrible. I don't like how each little brush stroke dries immediately and shows forever. I don't understand the appeal of tempera and I miss my oils so much that I got them out today to calm myself down. Aaaagh. That feels better. Wonderful, forgiving oil paints. They feel alive like the plants that I paint.

Still very rough, but this sketch in oil paint at least has potential. I will work on it tomorrow and see how it comes along.
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